A brief look at housing permit data for April 2018.
We discuss the results of the May 2018 cap-and-trade auction.
We discuss a key area of difference between our property tax oultook and the adminstration's: anticipated growth in taxable property values.
We look at housing market data from early 2018 for signs of any dramatic shifts that could indicate that recent federal tax changes are impacting California's housing markets.
We look at recent trends in home price growth and find that home prices in several Bay Area counties seem to be getting a little out of line with underlying demand for housing.
A brief look at housing permit data from March 2018.
This post describes recent tax filers' contributions to Voluntary Contribution Funds.
We look at data on California's agricultural exports to China to gauge the potential significance of recent Chinese tariffs on U.S. agriculture.
We discuss new data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis regarding state personal income.
A brief look at housing permit data from February 2018.