On March 1, 2017, BOE reported that taxpayers claimed an estimated $165 million of these tax exemptions in 2016—a 6% increase from 2015.
We recap the key data from the December 2016 California jobs report, which was released on January 20, 2017.
The state will likely generate only about $8 million in revenue from the auction.
We display the administration's estimates for this revenue source as of January 2017.
We have received preliminary data from tax agencies on January 2017 collections of California's major state taxes.
We have begun to receive preliminary information on December 2016 state major tax collections.
Most coastal counties are meeting or nearly meeting their production goals. On the flip side, home building in the state’s inland areas has fallen short of targets. Rather than suggesting that home building levels are sufficient in California’s coastal areas, the fact that permitting has kept pace with targets in these areas may suggest that these production goals do not reflect the full extent of demand for housing in these areas. Production goals likely need to be higher if the high cost of and intense competition for housing in these areas is to be curbed.
California's sales tax rates are among the highest in the U.S., but different comparisons generate different rankings for California, ranging from second-highest to 11th-highest in the nation.
We discuss one of the most widely debated and heavily studied aspects of minimum wages: their effects on employment.
We discuss the preliminary data from tax agencies about November 2016 state tax collections.
This post is an introduction to our blog series on California's new minimum wage.
We discuss the statewide minimum wage increase that will occur on January 1, 2017.
We discuss how the low-wage share of workers varies across California's regions.
We discuss various characteristics of California's low-wage workers.
We discuss California low-wage workers' family sizes and incomes.