California Economy and Taxes

California's New Minimum Wage: Low-Wage Workers by Region December 6, 2016

We discuss how the low-wage share of workers varies across California's regions.

California's New Minimum Wage: Who are California's Low-Wage Workers? December 6, 2016

We discuss various characteristics of California's low-wage workers.

California's New Minimum Wage: Low-Wage Workers' Family Sizes & Incomes December 6, 2016

We discuss California low-wage workers' family sizes and incomes.

October 2016 State Jobs Report December 1, 2016

We recap the October 2016 state jobs data, which was released in November.

November Cap-and-Trade Auction Results December 1, 2016

We discuss the results of the November 15, 2016 cap-and-trade auction.

Fiscal Outlook: Proposition 30/55 Revenue Estimates November 16, 2016

We provide our updated Proposition 30/55 revenue estimates.

Fiscal Outlook: New LAO Sales Tax Model November 16, 2016

We discuss our office's new sales tax projection model.

Fiscal Outlook: Examining Property Tax Growth Rates November 16, 2016

We examine reasons behind lower-than-expected growth in assessed property values.

October 2016 State Revenues November 10, 2016

We have begun to receive preliminary information from the state's tax agencies on major tax revenue collections in October.

September 2016 Jobs Report November 5, 2016

We discuss data from the September 2016 state and metro area jobs report, most of which was released during the month of October.

September 2016 State Revenues October 18, 2016

We have received preliminary information from tax agencies on September 2016 collections of the state's major taxes.

Housing and Economic Mobility October 10, 2016

One perhaps underappreciated consequence of lackluster homebuilding in coastal California is that many workers are denied access to California’s high-wage job markets because they are unable to find housing. These workers are pushed to other parts California or beyond where their wages tend to be lower.

August 2016 State Jobs Report September 28, 2016

We discuss California's August 2016 statewide jobs data, as reported by federal and state labor agencies.

Proposition 13 Report: More Data on California Property Taxes September 22, 2016

We provide additional data on trends in California's property taxes since the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978.

August 2016 State Revenues September 15, 2016

We have received preliminary collection data from the state's tax agencies for major revenue collections in August 2016.